Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Last week, we had a class activity on personality test. It was about finding who you are between Leader and Manager. At the end of the test we all found the personality that described us. I found myself as a Cd person. I was really surprised because the characteristics of conscientiousness accurately match with my personality trait. As mentioned C is a kind of person that pays attention to key directives and standards, concentrate on key details. That is exactly true to me. I am interested to see things in details than in general. When I have an assignment or any kind of work that I do beside school, I spend a lot of time because I like to see them in details.  Other characteristics of being C are checking for accuracy and analyzing performance critically. This is also part of my personality. Sometimes I think that I have a bad habit about checking things to find it correctness. Whenever time I have to do a work in any situation I check it many times before I close it. Sometimes it is a good thing to check because I find some mistakes that I have to correct before any further action, but there is a kind of wasting time when you find that everything is correct.
I feel comfortable of being type C personality and I don’t want to be another type for now. May be in the future I would be D because I have some characteristics of it. But the only thing that I wouldn’t have in D is making quick decisions. I think you have to think and analyze before making decisions otherwise you might likely make the wrong decision.
This kind of activity is helpful to figure out about people especially if you have to deal with them in a management situation. You will know what is the best way to use when interacting with them without having any conflict.  The more you know the better you can handle it. When you are a leader or manager for example, if you know the personality type of people that you are working with, it could be easy to deal with them without contradiction. In addition, this kind of activity is helpful not only in a management situation but also in any kind of relationship. When your personality trait matches with your partner’s personality trait, you could understand each other more than if you have divergence personality.   


  1. Yes, another Cd. I feel quite comfortable myself being that type. I can't see why I would ever want to make a decision without having all the information. On the plus side, our secondary trait of d will also come in handy when you have to make that gut decision!

  2. You are the exact opposite of the person I am. I was a Ic. I was also rather surprised about the accuracy of this test. It was really able to pinpoint my personality and my traits through what seemed like 28 bogus questions.
