Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Communicating via Blog

You can evaluate something appropriately if you know it advantage and disadvantage. At the beginning of the semester, I was thinking that this blog is going to be difficult to manage. I was little bit worried about what I am going to post there and wondering about the importance of this blog. When I first posted my entire, I was happy to see my thought available to anyone who has my blog URL. It started getting interesting because the control that I have of posting and deleting any thing that I want. I can express myselself freely and communicate with people without difficulties.
 I think Professor Kurpis lunched here an interesting channel to learn more about the course material.  Having activities in class and then express yourself about what you learn from those activities increase the possibility to understand the material in depth. You can sometimes forget about the class lecture, but when you write something in your blog it is unforgettable because it is own thoughts. The blog effectively helped us to think about and share our ideas related to the different class activities. In addition to the class learning, you will be able to interact with people. When we posted our first entries I knew many students from their autobiographies and really benefited from the online interaction.
I think also it is interesting reading other people blog from time to time because they have some non assignments entries that are remarkable. From the prof’s blog, there are some management topics that give us some perspectives about management in the real world.  All those topics added to the class material provide us the tools to be a good manager in the future. 
Finally, it is a good opportunity for us to do well in this class because of controlling 20% of the final grade by just following the instructions, but it is up to us to make it worthy. In my opinion all business classes should require blog entries like this class to encourage students to express themselves. This is not a research profile, but a platform where you can be creative and simply express yourself. I guarantee that I will continue to post entries in my blog because I love it.        



  1. Alpha I totally agree with you..Opening up this blog has created alot of opportunities for me to understand the theories and concepts behind every management field. As the months have passed by I have seen myself and my fellow classmates progress through this blog without any difficulties. Even when things were blurry I would just read some of the students posts to understand the material better. Plus expressing yourself freely and controlling your grade at the same time, it can't get better than that. Hopefully we will have more classes that require a blog.

  2. The blog was a creative way of getting students to share their thoughts and ideas about the class activities and lectures. Not everyone is comfortable with expressing themselves in public so the blog provided an alternate place of voicing out their opinions. I agree that the blog was the link between class activities and lectures and it made it easier for us to remember the key concepts. Good luck with maintaining your blog. :)
