Friday, October 22, 2010

Decision Making

       Last week, the professor gave us an opportunity to act as a decision maker based on the first exam that we took. There were many students who didn't do well on the exam and our job was to decide what to do in order to have everyone on the track. Once the problem was on the table, the professor stepped back and it was our job to decide what to do. At the beginning, most of us were thinking about curving the grade. As we went along the discussion, we identified many options that made the decision making more easier to handle. In addition, two student were acting as a mediator to make it more organized than it was at the beginning. I voted for the 10 points extra credit with the curve and drop the lowest grade and finally we agreed on that proposal. The format of the exam was good, but the only thing that I didn't like was the multiple multiple choices questions because my ideology is to have full point or nothing. In that case, I acted as a collaborator with other student to replace multiple multiple by just multiple choices until I realized that multiple multiple choices have more advantages based on mathematical reasoning. At the end, I supported for keeping the same format because any change might be catastrophic for certain students. Some students were competing to win and others were just accepting any proposal that came out. The decision making took us more time than it should be because we didn't know how far we could go and there were disagreement between students until five minutes before the end of the class. I think based on all proposals that we agreed on, it is enough to have a good grade in this class and it is up to us to make it right. There was an important argument that one student brought out which was to learn from our mistakes and find out how to do well in the next exam for those students who failed. I think that was an important question that we should spend little bit of time because it might help us in the future. But, the problem of having agreement took us more time that we couldn't take into consideration anything other that reaching the highest level of grade. This activity was not only good for our grade, but a good way to learn how to handle decision making in a difficult situation with time limited.


  1. I also did not want the multiple multiple choice but after people explained how it would be easier to get points with that method rather than the multiple choice, I agreed that we should keep the multiple multiple choice. I also felt that keeping the same format would be advantageous for the class because many people said they did not do as well as they could have because it was the first test, which is usually the most difficult one because we're not familiar with the new professor's tests. If we adopted a new format, it would be like taking the first test all over again in that we are again unfamiliar with the format. I feel that we wasted too much time by not paying attention well enough because many people also asked for the leaders to repeat what they just said.

  2. I steal think that the multiple multiple choice is more difficult than the multiple choice. And I don’t think that keeping the same format will be beneficial. This is because no one did well on the first exam, so I do not understand how they may improve on the second without making any changes. However, I agreed to that proposal because majority of the class wonted it.
