Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Visions of A Better Future

    When you have an ambition and have the courage to take action, your dream becomes reality. Since I started college education, I think about my life after getting my bachelor. Sometimes I spend a lot of time making plans. With all the visions that I have, there are some that required to be reached in my life no matter how difficult they are. I know after two years I will be in the business world to start my career. My first goal is to have a good job that is related to my major in order to have some experiences before starting my master degree. To get the job that I want, I need to prepare myself now. I have to work really hard in my major. I need to motivate myself to excel from one class to another. My target is to reach the highest level of education. Having just the PhD is not enough, I want be a loyal expert. I need to do lot of researches and extra-curricula study to attain my goal. Because experience is very important in today's world, I'll start working once I get my bachelor. I need to be in the job learning to show what I know from the book learning.  As soon as I get one year experience, I'll go back to school for my master at the same time continuing my job. At the time I finish my master I will get married and start raising my family. I know it will be a long way to go, but once you know the ending point it will be easy. The first job that I want to get after receiving my master is an overseas job. It could be in any county in the world where there is peace and economic stability and I want to work there and live with my family for two to three years. This overseas job will be a good opportunity for me to visit new cities and learn from other people around world. I have passion of traveling and learning new culture. Once I get some experiences outside the US for two to three years with my family, I will return to school to pursuit my PhD. At the time I finish my PhD, I am going to return back home where I will join my father's company to bring the expertise that I have. And I will also open my own  foundation where I will engage myself in fighting against child labor and sexism at the same time helping orphans and people with disabilities. At the time I am close to the retirement period, I want to go to Mecca in Saoudi Arabia to perform the fifth pillars of Islam. It is a long way to go, but "Visions coupled with action can make things happen"!


  1. agreed and your visions are big. thats always a great thing.. it seems like your family will be well off with what you want to pursue. I think that all of the things you do will benefit everyone around you which is an unselfish and thoughtful action.Will your foundation be all over the world or only in a certain location?

  2. This is a very impressive vision of your future that you have Alpha. As we learned in class, vision without action just passes the time! I hope that you will strive to the best of your ability to reach your goals, because if you will, you will definatley get far in life. Good luck to you!
